Trio Well-Being

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Welcome to Trio Well-Being

Welcome to my first Trio Well-Being blog! The first thing I want to do is thank everyone who has supported me whilst I’ve been putting together the service. The various names, ideas and worries I’ve had along the way. I’m really proud of where the service is now and I’m really excited to see how it develops. It’s something I truly am passionate about and genuinely feel will help people change their lives. 

I’ll take a step back in time to give you more about my background and what led me to the position I’m in now. My career began in fitness. I got a job as fitness instructor in January 2007, fast forward a few years and I got my first management job. I went on to go through a series of different management roles, all of which I’m grateful for but none really fulfilled me. Throughout that time though I was still personal training. I love personal training, it’s such a rewarding job, but can also be quite demanding with long, anti-social hours. During time with my clients I began to notice just how much mental health played an enormous role in everything; energy levels during workouts, the ability to even set foot in the gym, feeling stronger/weaker during workouts for no obvious reason. I did my research and enrolled myself for my counselling qualifications without a clear idea as to how I was going to use it; I just knew I needed to have that qualification behind me. I quit the latest management job I had and went self-employed as a personal trainer. Not long after that point it dawned on me how I wanted to utilise my personal training experience and recently gained counselling qualifications; combined in a way to help people change their lives. As personal trainers we aren’t equipped to deal with the mental health difficulties that our clients experience. We know that exercise is beneficial to mental health; it’s one of the most powerful and infrequently recommended treatments for problems such as depression, but as counsellors we aren’t equipped with the knowledge, or the freedom to provided structured exercise recommendations. Considering this, as well as my skills as a nutrition advisor, I came to the conclusion that I have all the skills and experience to look after all the elements that contribute to an individuals well-being; mental health, physical health and nutrition. 

So that is how Trio Well-Being was born, but what now? Well, first I want to reach as many people as possible. I want people to know there is a qualified and professional service that is able to look after all their needs. If you think you could benefit from this type of service, or know someone who might, please contact me. In the meantime I’m going to continue blogging, updating anyone who is prepared to read about everything related to Trio Well-Being, mental health, physical health and nutrition. I’m also going to begin podcasting on all the same topics too. Subscribe to the YouTube channel and follow us on social media where everything is Trio Well-Being.